It might seem easier to run your business with an email like “[email protected]” but its not recommended. A business email that is correctly setup has a range of benefits that can contribute to the long term success of your business and well outweigh the cost or difficulty in intial setups. A web developer is often best suited to tackle the setup of an email platform for your business. Seek assistance if unsure.
Reason 1: A business email address like [email protected] creates a flag or clear visual link to your website flag to your website every email you send.
Reason 2: They improve the perception of your business as being more professional and help the customer, if they don’t know you, to be more at ease that they can respond to your email without risk. It reduces the chance of your email being treated as spam. Can contribute to a good first impression of your business.
Reason 3: Free email included with your website hosting is not as good as it sounds. If you change hosting it is often awkward to move all your emails across. If it’s not set up properly the email can quickly take space allocated for your website or even silently cause the website to fail. Its my recommendation that email works best if you have the website, email and domain all hosted separately.
Reason 4: Business emails addresses help organise emails by their purpose. Gmail also has filters and labels that can be combined with use of business email to help sooth inbox chaos. The initial steps in setting up these measures can be far outweighed by the benefits.
Reason 5: Business emails can help collaboration between teams. Shared calendars can be possible where business emails are generated within the same workspace. The initial steps in setting up these measures can provide many benefits to collaboration within a business team.
Reason 6: Increased security is required with business emails. You don’t want hackers sending emails appearing to be from your business. You don’t want your emails to end up in spam due to lax security protocol as it looks unprofessional. You dont want hackers intercepting or tampering with your emails. Having all these protocols in place increases the deliverability of your business email
In summary having a business type email [email protected] for use in your business is really worth the cost and initial effort in setup. Take the time to make sure your business has one and utilises it’s benefits.