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3 reasons WEBSITE OWNERS may need to take action regards business Domain name

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3 reasons WEBSITE OWNERS may need to take action regards business Domain name

A new version of Australian domains became available back in March. The purchase the “.au” variation/s of your business domain may be necessary to reduce risk to your business. Here are 3 reasons why it may important to take action now!

Security of your business and website

Your domain name is an important part of your business. Its tied to your business reputation and search ranking. It also the backbone to your business email.

The Australian Cyber Security Centre recommends all Australian businesses, with existing domain names, register the .au versions. It is an opportunity “to protect your business from opportunistic cybercrimals”

By registering these domains you can reduce the risk of others registering a name to take advantage of your reputation or to attract potential clients away from your business or to committ fraud. They might do this creating an imitation website and using with it the .au variation of your domain. They might also send email imitating your business while using your .au domain variation.

Protecting your business and your clients from this risk could be as simple as purchasing your alternative domains.

Priority allocation ends 20th Sept.

These new domains became available in March 2022 with a priority allocation to owners of related domains. On Sept 20th this priority allocation ends and the owners of related domains will no longer have priority to purchase. Instead your alternative .au version of your business domain will be avilable for anyone* to purchase !!

It’s easy

A domain registrar is a business that can sell you a domain. Not all domain registrars can currently sell you .au domain but purchasing an “.au” domain easily be completed online through one of these accredited .au domain registrars. After purchase any traffic can be directed to your current existing domain.

Seek help from a web developer if needed. At Strathwarren Digital and we can purchase of your .au domain variations on your behalf or chat with you about evaluating and reducing the overall security risk to your business from your current email or website setups.

Register your businesses .au equivalent domain before its too late!!

#WebsiteSecurity #ActNow #protectyourbusiness Image credit:

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