website Repair or improvement
website VISIBibility
If website repair or improvement is required for your site or it has incorrect or old content, its appearance in search and map results can be affected. Our business solutions include a huge range of repair or improvement tasks. They vary from emergency website repairs to minor non-urgent website changes, from minor feature updates to complete changes in website functionality and appearance.
discovery session
If you need website repair or improvement of an existing website and its not immediately obvious why your issue has occured or any change has huge potential impact for your business, an ideal start might be with a tech discovery session where we investigate the issues, explore your options and get the best outcomes for you and your business.
Identify issues
If you suspect website repair or improvement is needed for your small business, you might have issues with one or more of the following aspects. Phone or email if we can help with your website.
- Search results ranking has declined
- Website is bloated with spam email comments
- Slow website for reasons unknown
- Website cannot be viewed when visited
- Websites bloated with images
- Need to move website to new hosting
- Revamp of website design or content
- Old irrelevant website content
- Website has been compromised and affected
- Wish to add improved ecommerce functionality
- Need some assistance with an online store ie adding bulk products or assistance with re-design of a store
- Need to conduct a promotion on your website
free complimentary session
A complimentary free 30min discussion is available. Longer discovery sessions may be recessary and these may attract an hourly fee, depending on the size and type of project.
Contact us
Contact us if we can help with repairs or improvement of your small business website.